I received an invitation to edit my certificate data. What does it mean?

If you received this invitation email, this means you took part in an Erasmus+ Youth or European Solidarity Corps project and your organiser wishes to issue a Youthpass certificate for you. This invitation is for you to edit your data for the Youthpass certificate. The data you can edit include the following:

  • Your personal data, such as your name, birth date and place. Some of this information was already entered by the organisation. If you wish so, you can add the missing information or correct any spelling mistakes.
  • Some project-related data, such as tasks and training activities. Please note that for some activities, these fields are not available.
  • Self-assessment of competences. This is an important part of the certificate and you may need some time to self-assess your learning and competence development in the project.
  • Further evidence on learning, such as links to content you created or contributed to during the project, including websites, blog posts, publications.
  • References of up to two people who were involved in this project and can vouch for your competences.

You do not need to enter information for all of the above-mentioned fields. You should only fill in the parts that are relevant for you and you wish to include in your certificate. The ones that you do not fill will not show on your certificate.

To start editing your data, you need to click on the personal edit link in the email invitation. Once you do that, you will see the status of your certificate and the options available to you to work on your certificate (such as 'Edit your data', 'Submit for review' or 'Preview certificate'). You can click on 'Edit your data' to work on your data:

Screenshot of 'Edit your data' view

Note: If you have not connected your account to the project, you will first need to do that before you can start editing your data. For more information on connecting your account, have a look here.

If you will not be able to finish editing your data all at once, you can save your changes by clicking 'Save' at the bottom of the form. You will still be able to access the form and continue working on your data when you access your account.

Once you are done with your changes and are ready to send it to your organiser, click on 'Submit':

Screenshot of 'Submit for review' view

This will send a notification to your organiser to review your edits. At this step you will no longer be able to access this data.

When your organiser reviewed your data and accepted your changes, they will be able to generate your certificate, sign it digitally and make it available to you as a downloadable pdf. After this, you will be able to download it from your Youthpass account:

Screenshot of 'Download certificate' button

Note: In some contexts, a printed certificate that is signed and stamped by hand may have more value than a digitally signed document. If this applies to you, you can let your organiser know and ask them if they can support your request.